
Buttons communicate an action a user can take.
They are typically placed throughout your UI, in places like dialogs, forms, cards, and toolbars.

Name Type Description
Attributes Dictionary<String,Object> Gets or sets a collection of additional attributes that will be applied to the created element.
ChildContent RenderFragment Inline label of Button.
Class String Specifies one or more classnames for an DOM element.
Command ICommand Command executed when the user clicks on an element.
CommandParameter Object Command parameter.
Dense Boolean Button has dense style.
Disabled Boolean Button is disabled.
ForceLoad Boolean Force browser to redirect outside component router-space.
Icon String Specifies an button's icon.
Id String
Label String Text label of Button.
Link String Link to a url when clicked.
Name String
OnClick EventCallback<MouseEventArgs> Event occurs when the user clicks on an element.
OnClickStopPropagation Boolean Stop propagation of the OnClick event
Outlined Boolean Button has outlined style.
Raised Boolean Button has raised style.
RefBack ForwardRef
Style String Specifies an inline style for an DOM element.
Target String Target of Link when clicked.
TrailingIcon String Specifies if icon has trailing position.
Type String
Unelevated Boolean Button has unelevated style.
Value String
Ref ElementReference Returned ElementRef reference for DOM element.

Simple use

With Font-Awesome Icons and Link
Internal Link
Internal Link with ForceLoad
With Font-Awesome Icons and Link in a new Window - Target Defined
Internal Link in a new Window - Target Defined
Button types
Trailing Icons
Button Type
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