
Icons are appropriate for buttons that allow a user to take actions or make a selection, such as adding or removing a star to an item.

Name Type Description
Attributes Dictionary<String,Object> Gets or sets a collection of additional attributes that will be applied to the created element.
ChildContent RenderFragment Child content of MatIconButton
Class String Specifies one or more classnames for an DOM element.
Command ICommand Command executed when the user clicks on an element.
CommandParameter Object Command parameter.
Disabled Boolean Button is disabled.
ForceLoad Boolean Force browser to redirect outside component router-space.
Icon String Default Button Icon
Id String
Link String Navigate to this url when clicked.
OnClick EventCallback<MouseEventArgs> Event occurs when the user clicks on an element.
OnClickStopPropagation Boolean Stop propagation of the OnClick event
OnMouseDown EventCallback<MouseEventArgs>
RefBack ForwardRef
Style String Specifies an inline style for an DOM element.
Target String Target of Link when clicked.
Toggled Boolean
ToggledChanged EventCallback<Boolean>
ToggleIcon String Icon to use when Button is clicked
Ref ElementReference Returned ElementRef reference for DOM element.

Simple use

With Font-Awesome Icons
With href link
With href link
With ForceLoad href link
With Font-Awesome Icons and Link in a new Window - Target Defined
Internal Link in a new Window - Target Defined
Toggle Icon Button
Set Toggled
Bind Toggled: False
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