The Material tooltip provides a text label that is displayed when the user hovers an element.
Name | Type | Description |
Attributes | Dictionary<String,Object> | Gets or sets a collection of additional attributes that will be applied to the created element. |
ChildContent | RenderFragment<ForwardRef> | Child content of MatTooltip |
Class | String | Specifies one or more classnames for an DOM element. |
Id | String | |
Position | MatTooltipPosition | |
RefBack | ForwardRef | |
Style | String | Specifies an inline style for an DOM element. |
TargetForwardRef | ForwardRef | |
TargetId | String | |
Tooltip | String | |
TooltipContent | RenderFragment | |
Wrap | Boolean | |
Ref | ElementReference | Returned ElementRef reference for DOM element. |
ChildContent of MatTooltip is a template for tooltips target with RefBack marker as @context
All MatBlazor components supports ForwardRef concept. So you can apply parameter RefBack="@context"
.All Html DOM elements just should return ElementReference reference to @context.Current
.Any Html structures can have tooltips
MatTooltip can use target by Id
.Paragraph with id=myComplexDivForDemoTooltip
MatTooltip can create own wrapper